Saturday, April 20, 2013

Working MLM the Right Way

Be assured, Network Marketing is a different formula than the one generally called a pyramid.  

The general public tend to view the latter as one where people at the top make all the money, while those at the bottom do all the work.  Network Marketing however, is also called, referral marketing, cooperative marketing, MLM or multi-level marketing.  It is a business model that is meant to reward you for helping others become successful themselves

People, who are much wealthier than I am, have abandoned what used to be called the "contact friends and family" philosophy, also called the warm market, decades ago because they know it puts undue stress on families and strains relationships. The root cause of this is actually the pitching of a program, or product, without fully understanding it or it's potential. 

Folks are often drawn to the network marketing business for financial independence, but in their haste to succeed, they lose track of what the concept is actually all about. Therefore, we must first learn how to develop what I call, a "You" brand, with your network marketing business strategy. Providing useful information, blogs, articles and newsletters, so good prospects will become interested in what you are selling or promoting, effortlessly. You must set the example, and do more than every member of your team. Participate in every webinar you can find pertaining to your business, or even webinars about self-improvement. Attendance in all the events offered by your main company, if you can, is mandatory. If you don’t, why would anyone else on your team? To be a leader, you must be a professional, and get the knowledge about your network marketing offerings so you'll find success to pass onto others. Know what you are doing so you can teach others how to do it

For FREE Training, go here NOW!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hello Upline, are you there?

Where oh where, has my upline gone?

This is the most annoying, frustrating, and maddening part of MLM, and Network marketing.

I know more than one time, no matter what program you are involved with, your upline has done a complete disappearing act on you. I case you're new to this term, and upline is the person, persons, or thing that refereed you to what ever marketing community you are participating in.

As a member, you are called the downline. Everyone you bring in under you is called: your downline, and you guessed it, that make YOU their upline. That's the beauty of these systems, no one stays at one level the whole time.

Uplines usually start out with the same enthusiasm as all of us, but something happens along the way. It could be a number of things. The difficulty in bringing in referrals is a big problem.It can shake you confidence in your sales ability, and in the system itself. Having to spend too much on auto-ships can take the luster of quickly, even make you question the products, or services, you are pushing. But, the number one reason I see is laziness on their part.

Let's face it. We all get into these online systems for one main reason. The Good Life! The, I wanna sit around the pool drinking Pina Coladas all day. Who wants to sit on the phone, behind the computer, or in a library somewhere answering the same questions all day? No one.

But, you have to. That's the nature of the business, so make yourself available. Help your downlines, because
remember one thing, they make you other downlines, and that is what it is all about.